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Spray Away Waste: Uncovering the Environmental and Sustainability Perks of Bidet Use

6 November 2023 · JOHN PHUNG · 6 min read
    Bidet Sustainability
contrast between deforestation and lush forest

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    In a world growing ever-conscious of our ecological footprint, the humble bidet rises as a beacon of sustainability amid a sea of disposable hygiene products like toilet paper and wet wipes. Below, we delve into the bidet environmental impact, painting a vivid picture of its green credentials.

    Decreasing Deforestation

    Toilet paper production is a tree-hungry enterprise. With an average American going through 141 rolls of toilet paper each year, the toll on our forests is substantial, leading to the felling of around 15 million trees annually.

    Recycled toilet paper is a step in the right direction, although, production processes still contribute to the carbon emissions footprint. Bidets, on the other hand, offer a tree-friendly alternative, significantly reducing the demand for toilet paper and, by extension, curbing deforestation. This shift not only saves trees but also preserves habitats for myriad species, contributing to the conservation of Earth's biodiversity​​.

    Water Conservation

    At a cursory glance, bidets might seem like water-wasters. However, when you unravel the entire production process of toilet paper, it's apparent that the water footprint is staggering.

    A single roll of toilet paper necessitates about 37 gallons or 3.8L of water, whereas a standard bidet uses merely one-eighth of a gallon or 0.47L per use. The math clearly underscores bidets as champions of water conservation, offering a more sustainable option in the larger scheme of things​​.

    Energy Consumption Reduction

    The journey from log to toilet paper roll is an energy-intensive voyage involving logging, transportation, pulping, and distribution. This odyssey not only devours substantial energy resources but also spews carbon emissions along the way.

    Handheld bidets and bidet attachments, in contrast, demand relatively low energy for their manufacture and use, presenting an effective avenue to shrink our carbon footprint. Most bidet sprays and bidet attachments only require a water connection, thus being most cost effective.

    Bidet toilet seat and smart bidet systems being more complex products, command higher energy for manufacture, and may not decrease energy consumption due to the need for electricity to support additional features such as providing warm water, heated seat and position control of nozzle spray.

    While some smart bidets even boast energy-saving modes, consideration for the environment is not the primary reason why you would opt for one.

    Waste and Pollution Curtailment

    The environmental aftermath of toilet paper production extends beyond forests and water resources; it also births significant waste. The journey of toilet paper doesn't end at the flush; it continues to our landfills, joining the mounting piles of waste.

    Bidets, however, bid adieu to such waste generation. Post-installation, a bidet can last for years without necessitating replacement, thereby eliminating the relentless waste cycle of toilet paper rolls and packaging.

    Furthermore, unlike the chemical-laden process of making toilet paper, bidets create no chemical pollution, embodying a cleaner choice for our planet​​.

    Landfill Space Liberation

    Annually, millions of tons of used toilet paper find their abode in landfills, hogging valuable space and contributing to methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas.

    Embracing bidets can drastically taper the volume of waste destined for landfills, thus playing a part in mitigating climate change and preserving our natural landscapes. Even the so-called 'flushable wet wipes' are environmental miscreants, as most do not dissolve in water as claimed, contributing to pollution​​.

    landfill vs clean river


    Considerations for Bidet Adoption

    When mulling over the shift to bidets, your budget, the initial investment, the potential savings over time based on toilet paper purchases, whether you rent or own your home, the existence of elderly individuals in your household or nursing home, the available space in your toilet, and the maintenance difficulty and costs are crucial factors to weigh.

    There are also other considerations such as personal hygiene and/or health issues that necessitate using a bidet rather than toilet paper, such as to prevent urinary tract infections or to assist with daily poop activities. Hopefully our bidet comparison guide can light the path to what's right for you.

    The debate between bidet versus toilet paper has long been settled, however the adoption of bidets is fundamentally a human behaviour challenge to make a change in our everyday personal hygiene routine. The great news is that those that have crossed the chasm will experience the sanitary advantages and positive effect on their health and hygiene. Using toilet paper becomes a thing of the past.

    Green Advantages of Hand-held Bidets Over Toilet-Mounted Seats

    Hand-held bidets score high on hygiene, cost-effectiveness, mobility, and the initial investment required. They offer a more direct approach to cleaning, which could be deemed more effective in certain scenarios compared to the traditional toilet seat.

    Keep in mind that handheld sprayer bidets are a series of separate components (spray head and hose) combined together to create the bidet system. Each component is mostly a solid material such as plastic, brass or stainless steel, providing significant advantages in replacing parts as opposed to an entire system. In addition, each component can be recycled.

    gold bidet spray set



    While the initial investment for a bidet is higher compared to buying a pack of toilet paper, the long-term cost efficiency of bidets is much higher as the ongoing costs are significantly lower.

    Environmental Impact:

    Bidets are the clear winner in terms of environmental sustainability. They require fewer resources (trees, water, and energy) and generate less waste compared to toilet paper.

    Comfort & Hygiene:

    Bidets offer a higher level of cleanliness and are often gentler on the skin, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with certain skin conditions. However, there might be a learning curve for those unfamiliar with bidet use.

    Maintenance & Longevity:

    Bidets require regular maintenance to ensure hygiene and proper functioning but have a much longer lifespan compared to the one-time use nature of toilet paper. Over time, the durability of bidets presents an advantage both cost-wise and environmentally.


    The environmental impact of bidets are hard to overlook. They offer a green alternative to the traditional toilet paper, aligning well with the sustainable lifestyle many strive for today. Through a simple shift in our bathroom habits, we can make a meaningful dent in our ecological footprint, championing a cleaner, greener planet with every spray.

    Your journey towards a more sustainable bathroom experience begins with a simple choice: the bidet. The impact of this choice reverberates through our forests, our water resources, and our very future on this planet.

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