Bumwash Bidet Cost Savings Calculator

Find out much how you will save if you make the switch to Bumwash today.

Bumwash Saves You & the Planet, Every Visit
Bumwash will save you
+ $100 / year

The Savings When You Run out of Toilet Paper? PRICELESS!

Notes: The following assumptions were used

  • Cost of handheld bidet = $55.00 AUD
  • Average visits to the toilet per day = 8
  • Average toilet sheets used per day = 60
  • Average sheets per toilet roll = 150
  • Not considering recycled/bamboo/premium toilet paper
  • Average price of toilet paper in US (Pack of 30) = $24.00 USD
  • Average price of toilet paper in AU (Pack of 20) = $11.00 AUD
  • Average price of toilet paper in EU (Pack of 4) = $2.50 EUR